The nice thing about writing down resolutions is the ability to look at them in a year and see what all has changed:
10. Wake up at a consistent time every morning, instead of kicking the alarm 35 times and having to rush to work.
Fail and Success. I've been waking up at a consistent time, but am still rushing to work and kicking the alarm. However, I'm also waking up a lot earlier.
9. Care about my appearance a little more and spend at least a little every now and then on new clothes.
Success. I've actually managed to get some decent threads. I've heard my current look says "I buy clothes", which is nice compared to "I cover my body".
8. Continue progress on the whole Martial Arts thing.
Success. Moved to be an advanced student, will get my black belt either this year or next depending on my time commitment.
7. Meet some new people that like / can go out.
Fail and Success. I've determined a couple people at work that like to go out, but aren't really into the same sort of things I am. I now have some beer buddies. That said, some people I know are now going out more.
6. Finish at least 1 of my writing projects.
5. Finish at least 1 of my composition projects.
4. Reach a level on piano where I can play a venue professionally.
After hearing a few venues, I might think success. After hearing myself, I think fail. I'm definitely better than a year ago, so progress continues.
3. Donate more time to charitable projects.
WIN. Between Habitat for Humanity, and Variety's Haunted House project, I think I've managed several hundred hours. At the very least, a lot more than I've done before.
2. Better make time for updating the blog, writing projects, and hobbies.
Success and Failure. I've been doing a lot more out recently. I've been managing keeping my work hours to 40 hours a lot better too.
1. See what I am not doing well in my current relationships and improve on them.
Success and Failure. This is one of those things that's a constant area that needs improved.
4 months ago
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